About José-Carlos
I am a Professor of Business Ethics at the Oulu Business School, University of Oulu. Before this role, I served for many years as a Senior Lecturer in Responsible Tourism Business at the University of Lapland. I also hold Associate Professor positions focusing on Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism at Tampere University, Finland and the University of Maribor, Slovenia.
I am an editorial member for academic journals including Business & Society, Journal of Vacation Marketing, and The Finnish Journal of Tourism Research. I also serve as a panel member of the Finnish Publication Forum (JUFO). Beyond academia, I act as a jury member of Green Key Finland.
In addition, I serve as a board member of the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) - Finland and am a member of the Finnish Society for Tourism Research.
Fields of Work
I work in the domains of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Business Ethics, and Responsible Management Education. Taking a pragmatic approach, I explore conceptual frameworks and methodologies that help work towards more responsible business practices. My current research agenda is centered on four interconnected areas: human-animal relations in organizations, non-human stakeholders, responsible tourism business, and experiential learning.
My work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Business Ethics, Management Learning, Journal of Marketing Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Tourism Geographies, Tourism Recreation Research, and Journal of Teaching in Travel & Tourism. I have also written several chapters for books published by Routledge, Palgrave McMillan, Springer, and DeGruyter.
I am currently co-authoring a book on animals and responsible management and planning special issues in the same subject area.
For more information, please check out my projects, and publications, or visit my ResearchGate site.

Educational Background
I have a Master's Degree in Agricultural Economics from the BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, a Master's Degree in Culture and Emerging Media from the Tampere University of Applied Sciences, a Licentiate's Degree in Marketing from the Oulu Business School, and a Ph.D. in Management from the University of Lapland.
I have certificates in pedagogical studies (University of Lapland), international project management (Lapland University of Applied Sciences), and sustainability evaluation (Vienna University of Economics and Business/International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics at Lund University). I also hold a diploma in tour guiding.